Order Lost? Support non-existent. Worst experience ever! Help?! | Dyson Community
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Order Lost? Support non-existent. Worst experience ever! Help?!

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Hello everyone,


I guess I should have just looked through some of these topics before getting the great idea of placing an order directly on the Dyson website.

I placed an order for an AirWrap as a Christmas gift for my wife a week ago. During the time of the order the page said it would arrive on the 23rd. I thought great, in time for Christmas. And figured even if it's delayed a few days it'll just be a late gift, oh well.


I finished checking out and submitted the order successfully, the page reloaded and showed an order confirmation page with all the details and the order confirmation number. It said I should also get an email. Well the email never arrived. I figured maybe a glitch in the matrix and thought not much of it as I did get to the order confirmation page on the Dyson website afterall. Also I received an email from PayPal confirming that I authorized a payment to Dyson.. so I figured I'll just wait for the tracking number email. The tracking emails never came. In fact no update emails at all.


A day or two went by. I decided to submit an order confirmation request form and also an order status request form. Filled out and submitted both. Another day went by, still no emails. I contacted the support chat agents. I was told they'd get back to me in 24 hours. 24 hours went by and no one got back to me, no emails, no calls. I contacted them again this time I was told they needed more time, 24-48 hours to get back to me with more information. I supplied them with all imaginable peices of information. My name, email, address, phone number, payment method, order confirmation number, a PDF of the order reconfirmation page, a PDF of the PayPal payment authorization email. Even a link to the order confirmation page I Dysons website (which I saved and it still works somehow)


I literally gave them everything I could think of and contacted them multiple times. I was constantly reassured by the chat agents that the order would come on time and that my Christmas wouldn't be ruined. I can't help but think these chat support agents were saying things to just calm me down and get me off their backs... Nothing they said was true. I still don't have any confirmation emails or any information from Dyson.


At this point I don't even know if the order exists in their system. I don't know if it processed or not. And I'm assuming it fell through the cracks somehow... What's worse if with this kind of uncertainty I can't even say that her gift is delayed... Because from when I'm sitting I don't think the order exists... I don't think it'll ever be shipped. I'm assuming Dyson will cancel it sometime mid January and I won't even have a delayed gift for my wife.


I really regret purchasing on the Dyson website. Literally the worst experience I've had online shopping in a long long time.


Be careful everyone, you're probably better off ordering elsewhere.. Dyson still has a lot to learn about customer experience, customer support and service.




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14 replies

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  • December 26, 2022

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it doesn’t sound like the order ever went through. 

My experience with ordering online, Dyson or elsewhere, without a conformation or receipt of the order with a reference it didn’t happen. 

Now I’ve never used PayPal, so I didn’t know how they process funds or the order on your behalf, but usually, an order isn’t placed unless the funds are received. I’d recommend speaking to them about why it didn’t go through.

As to the service you’ve received, I agree, it’s very poor. They should have really got back to you. This isn’t in the UK is it? I usually have a great experience with the team there. 

Any follow up from them since posting? 

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  • December 26, 2022

Hi Spencer,


Thanks for replying. I am in the US actually. PayPal is showing that the "authorization is in progress"


It says "...your payment method will be charged when the transaction is completed"


This leads me to believe something on Dysons end is preventing from essentially "finalizing" the transaction. I actually did get to an order confirmation page (that had an order confirmation number) when I completed the checkout. I even have the web link to that page on Dysons website. Since I had posted on the community I went back to Dysons website and created an account to see if the order would be there. And it shows up. But I'm not sure what it means. I'm not sure what "stage" it's in if you will. Here is a screenshot of the page:


To answer your question whether I've had any communication from Dyson since I've posted here, no I haven't. No emails, no calls. Nothing.


I suspect the reason for all this is Dyson was not ready for the volume of orders and inquiries that came in this season. They are possibly understaffed or the system started glitching/misbehaving with such high volume of traffic and orders.. or a combination of the two. Now I understand their side a little if it is the case.. but they should really do better.. at the very least they should have sent out messages explaining the situation.. or have people at least confirm if ordered were accepted/placed. And it would have helped if the website was updated with realistic timelines instead of the overly optimistic prediction saying it'll arrive before Christmas.


What sucks is I have no way of knowing if I should just wait it out and it'll eventually process and come... or if midway through January I'm gonna find that Dyson cancelled my order like I've seen someone post here happened to them.  I almost want to cancel the order and just go buy it somewhere else..

Sorry to hear about your order, hope you receive it!  I am more than frustrated with customer service as well. Ordered a hair attachment for my daughter as a Christmas gift. Seems I ordered the wrong thing and submitted the form for return, received the email acknowledging it.  That was December 5th! No return ever initiated.  Just called and we will see if I ever receive the return shipping label as promised….  No plans to order from this website again. 

  • Gold Level Contributor
  • 140 replies
  • December 27, 2022

@Videl confusing is an understatement. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with what the issue with the order is. They should either accept it or cancel it.

I remember another post where @kellym introduced themselves as a rep in the US. Maybe they can help? 

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  • December 27, 2022

Hello @Videl 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

If you still need help, our local Contact Centre teams are best placed to support you with with queries relating to order status, payment or delivery. They have access to your order history and payment details - they can investigate on your behalf, and escalate internally if needed. These issues aren't usually something the Dyson Community team can help you with.

Please get in touch via our local WhatsApp channel. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and start a WhatsApp conversation. If you'd prefer, you're welcome to call the Dyson Helpline to speak with our experts directly (or, when on the Dyson website, you can also access live chat via the purple chat bubble on the bottom of the page). You can find their number in the ‘Contact us’ section of the page.

Best wishes,

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  • December 28, 2022



I appreciate you posting here in an effort to help. But quite frankly I can't help but feel like I'm given the proverbial finger. Not necessarily specifically by you... But rather by Dyson as a whole.


It seems I have to go out of my way to "beat" any information out of Dyson. And it seems like Dyson couldn't care less about me and my experience as a customer. Even you have outlined more steps that I have to do to get in contact. This is the thing. I've done that. I've used the live chat at least 3-4 times and have gotten no results other than the chat agents reassuring me and making promises no one at Dyson intends to keep. I've been told I would be contacted. I've been told I should receive emails. None of that has happened. So far only I have been contacting Dyson regarding this.. and getting nothing out of it.


I think it's very odd you don't see the order in the system.. but maybe that's because it still hasn't technically "processed" maybe it's stuck in some sort of limbo. As you can see in the screenshot I posted in my last post the order shows up under my account.


What does the status "assigned.admin" mean? Because that's what it says on the orders page in my account.


Also I don't see anything about starting a WhatsApp conversation on that page with the link you provided... Definitely feel like I'm out of options... And definitely feel like Dyson. Simply. Doesn't. Care.


@Eagles thank you for replying and trying to help.

@RenegadeHair I feel your pain 😭

@kellym if you can direct me to someone who can help, please, please do. I'm so tired of the runaround and I just wanna get this gift for my wife and forget that adyson exists.

I read this discussion after searching for any and every way I can file a complaint and warn consumers on the Dyson product I bought along with my experience when I saw this community and this discussion.

This was my almost exact experience with when I bought the machine and it not being fulfilled until I had to remind Dyson I bought the machine!  

The only exception is I got an inoperable product yesterday (10 days after ordering).  It simply doesn’t work out of the box!  Yes Dyson, I can confirm I performed every troubleshooting measure you suggest.  

Just finished a 45 min “chat” with customer support and this is one of the main reasons I will never buy a product from this company again.  I will also do everything in my power to urge other’s not to buy from Dyson.  

Their engineering may be incredible, but they simply do not deliver on product quality and customer support and resolution is unacceptable.  Dyson simply does not care about you and I; the consumer who spent (I’m not rich) $649 w/taxes on their product.  

  • 0 replies
  • December 28, 2022

Hello @Videl 

Can you send me a DM here, and include that order number again, along with your shipping address, the email address you used to place the order, and your phone number? I’ll be happy to look further into this for you.

  • 0 replies
  • December 28, 2022

Hello @bonnielucretiaclarke 

I’m sorry to hear of your experience as well, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. It sounds like you may also be in the US, is that correct? It’s always very disappointing when an owner’s order process doesn’t go well, a shipment is delayed, or a product is not working. That’s not something that we ever anticipate happening, but we’re always keen to help resolve the issue. If you are in the US, please feel free to DM me as well. I’ll be more than happy to take a look into your situation, and see what we can do to make this right.

kellym wrote:

Hello @bonnielucretiaclarke 

I’m sorry to hear of your experience as well, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. It sounds like you may also be in the US, is that correct? It’s always very disappointing when an owner’s order process doesn’t go well, a shipment is delayed, or a product is not working. That’s not something that we ever anticipate happening, but we’re always keen to help resolve the issue. If you are in the US, please feel free to DM me as well. I’ll be more than happy to take a look into your situation, and see what we can do to make this right.


Hi @kellym, I just posted a lengthy post in the community that is being reviewed by the moderators. I hope it gets posted.  I reached out to Dyson this AM to rectify and am unsatisfied.  My post explains it all but I could send via a dm.  I just cannot believe that I got a machine that does not work ON TOP of the issue with fulfillment and delays. I was so willing to just chalk those 1st issues up to whatever. Then to get a product that does not work, salt in the wound is a understatement.  I will send you a dm. Thanks!

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  • December 29, 2022

Hello again everyone. 


@kellym I just sent you a dm. 

@bonnielucretiaclarke I feel your pain as well... It seems a lot of people have had similar negative experiences with either ordering or just the customer service from Dyson.


I hope this thread helps people in understanding what the situation is like right now and helps them have the right extations regarding what could happen should they choose to order directly from Dyson.


I also hope this thread helps Dyson learn how to fix and resolve these issues and helps them improve the customer experience. Dyson has to know how important this is. They could be losing customers as we speak!!!


Most important I hope this thread helps resolve my issue and gets someone at Dyson to finally go do something about it. I hope for that for those in the same boat as well.

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  • January 12, 2023


Hello everyone, hope you guys have been doing ok. I actually tried posting an update to my story in this thread earlier.. unfortunately the Mods did not see fit to approve it. Maybe too much negative PR for their liking. I just posted the facts of what happened and what didn't. Long story short Dyson hadn't done anything to help or resolve anything. Kelly did try to help but couldn't do much other than forwarding information to other teams who should be able to help... But unfortunately do not.


Essentially Dyson left me without a resolution, despite me reaching out through every channel imaginable, and many many times at that... no one got back to me. No resolution, no steps or offers to make it up to me in some way, nothing. In fact, the emails I sent to a couple Dyson support email address weren't answered for a very long time.. but eventually I did get 2 responses. The responses claimed I did not give them a real order number and that they can't help me until I provide them with a real order number. These people couldn't even take a look at the screenshots and attachments. They had the audacity to claim the order number wasn't real (even though it was generated by Dyson) despite the fact that I had proof... Proof they didn't want to look at presumably. What did they think? I sat there with Photoshop making fake screenshots? Lol SMH these people don't know what they're doing and they have no idea what's going on around them.


Kelly was able to inform me they declined the order but wasn't able to tell me anything else other than directing me back to the (broken and useless imo) support phone line and chat agents. I gave up. I wasn't about to repeat my mistake and order through Dyson again... All just to go through the same painful process. Instead I ordered from Ulta. It shipped immediately. What do ya know!


I was hoping to share these updates with all of you to let you know what I went through and how I still have no resolution from Dyson. I wanted to warn everyone so you all can avoid making the same mistake I made. If you guys wanna maximize your chances of getting whatever Dyson products you wanna buy and minimize your chances of experiencing the pain that I (and many others) have been going through please please go to other retailers for your purchases.. you'll thank me later. Good luck everyone!

Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies
  • January 12, 2023

Hi @Videl 

Thanks for sharing your experience – I’m sorry if it hasn’t lived up to your expectations but I can assure you it would never be our intention cause any disappointment. Please note, any moderation of your posts here have been in line with our Community Code of Conduct.

I know one of our moderators has already shared an update with you after investigating - but to recap, your order couldn’t be processed as your payment provider declined the payment. This meant your order didn’t progress any further through our system, and we weren’t able to fulfil the order. This is why our team couldn’t locate the order via the number you provided. To resolve the situation, they suggested creating a new order directly through either live chat or our customer Helpline.

I can only apologise that you weren’t informed when the order was declined, or given the option to pay via an alternative method. I’m currently working with the relevant internal teams to understand why this occurred, and to help make sure it doesn’t happen in future. I’m also investigating why you received an automated status confirmation within your MyDyson account – I should be able to update you on this next week. In the meantime, would you like me to remove it from your MyDyson account for you?

I’m sorry we weren’t able to accommodate your requests on this occasion, but I’m happy to see you’ve been able to order your machine from elsewhere in the meantime.

Many thanks,


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  • January 12, 2023

Hi @Stuart,


Thank you for the reply. I appreciate the efforts to help me out.


I actually don't believe that my payment provider declined. This is because I got a payment authorization email from PayPal confirming I authorized the payment. In fact, even now if I log into my PayPal account it shows up as "authorization in progress" 


I don't know if you have much experience with PayPal. But I use it a lot, I have PayPal credit and I process a lot of payment through PayPal. In my experience if it says "authorization in progress" that means that the authorization on my end has been given. It is now up to the retailer or vendor to complete the charge. This either means that there is an issue on the retailer/vendors side preventing them from charging. Or it means the charge hasn't been made yet due to logistics like items being out of stock. My company, for example, doesn't charge our customers until their order is shipped. This is a common business practice and prevents capturing revenue until it is appropriate to do so. Otherwise u get into accounting hell.


I've used PayPal before the Dyson.com purchase and had no issues. I also used PayPal right after placing the order on Dyson and also had no issues. In fact last week I placed an order for an AirWrap from Sephora and Ulta in the same week. I payed for both with the same PayPal payment method. Sephora held their charge for a few days. So the payment "authorization in progress" showed up on my PayPal account, just like it did with Dyson. Then when Sephora shipped the item the charge went through. Ulta was even faster, they charged the same day or the next day and shipped immediately. Even though I ordered from Ulta a few days later than Sephora it still showed up way way earlier. I'm supposed to receive the Sephora shipment later this week. I will be returning it since I only needed one.


Now I think that, whether intentional or unintentional, what happened was Dyson was out of stock and declined the order on their end so as not to sell an item that didn't exist. This could be due to a number of reasons. But my theory is Dyson is/was understaffed and oversold. I think Dyson is/was busier than ever and had more orders than they knew what to do with. Hence the constant give us 24-48 hours to get back to you business.. If you go on Dysons website you'll find the airwrap is out of stock currently. I this thing is another point of strong support for my theory.


What's sad is how Dyson handled the situation. Quietly declining/cancelling orders without contacting the buyer is just below standard business practices. And even if it is due to a glitch, software error, or any other number of possible reasons they should have reached out and let their customers know. And they should have done it early enough that their customers have time to react and of buy somewhere else. What's more sad is when their customers reach out to them it takes 3 weeks for them to get an answer. This is what I hope Dyson learns from and can correct for the future.


@Stuart please don't remove anything from my account. If I can get in touch with Dyson support or any PR representative it may come in useful to show them what happened.


Again thank you for your replies and help. 

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