What do the LED lights mean on my Dyson Zone™ headphones? | Dyson Community
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Your Dyson Zone™️ headphones include an LED indicator light on the left ear cup, which will light up when your headphones aren't being worn.

To help identify the different coloured LED lights which appear on the headphones, we’ve includes a summary of each:


Solid green light - battery charge is above 20%. This light will show when the headphones aren’t being worn, or the left button is pressed.


Solid amber light - battery charge is below 20%. This light will show when the headphones aren’t being worn, or the left button is pressed.


Green ring of light - your Dyson Zone™️ headphones are connected to power and is fully charged. The light will fade to off after 5 minutes.


Amber pulsing light - your Dyson Zone™️ headphones are connected to power and charging.


Amber flashing light - there is insufficient charge to use the purification function on your Dyson Zone™️ headphones. 


Pulsing blue light - Bluetooth is in discoverable mode.


Solid blue - Bluetooth is successfully connected.


White solid light - your Dyson Zone™️ headphones have been turned on or off. 


White pulsed flashing - a software update is installing. Your Dyson Zone™️ headphones can’t be used during the software installation process.


Pink pulsing light - the filters need changing. Instructions on replacing the filters can be found here.


Red flashing light - your Dyson Zone™️ headphones have encountered a fault. Visit our online Support and use the Troubleshooting diagnostics to identify the cause.