I love my Gen 5
And for anyone reading,
Lets face it, you barely need to use boost from a V11 upwards as Auto mode picks it for you--
--even eco mode is enough a lot of the time and has up to 80mins on the right floor.
Even so, lets ask the loaded question;
- How much powerful can corded vacuums get (and how will this affect the battery?) The Gen 5 is already 262AW...
- Where next from the Gen 5? (E.g., A V15 Detect Complete may not be as powerful, but as the Gen 5 is heavier, can we have a 60 minute battery option on the machine? I realize this maybe a step backwards from an engineering point of view, but when it runs 70-80mins in eco-- depending on floor type and debris etc, if a lighter battery contributed to a lighter machine that felt like the V15 Detect complete, for me this would strike the perfect balance between power and user friendliness. The Gen 5 isn’t super heavy and glides, but you do notice it when professionally cleaning or if of a smaller build for example.
Thank you and keep up the good work :)