Community News and Updates – March 2022 | Dyson Community
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Community News and Updates – March 2022

Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies

Welcome to fourth edition of our monthly community newsletter.

In this edition, I’ll be talking through our growth, content, platform improvements and providing an update on what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. I’ll also be dropping more hints on what we have coming to the platform over the next few months and beyond. Enjoy!


Let’s talk visitors and community growth

March saw some very exciting stats, with us yet again exceeding our platform goals for visitor numbers, registration, and overall engagement.

  • We welcomed just over 32,000 unique visitors. These headed to the community via the Dyson Link App and as direct traffic. This is an increase of 2000+ visitors from the previous month.
  • 110 registered users joined us. This is an overall increase of 6%, which is just over our 5% forecast. This figure is based off our predicted visitor numbers and the number of active app users remaining in the registration pool from our initial launch phases. A very warm welcome to each of you.
  • There was a marginal increase of topics/replies created month-on -month. With the change in seasonal weather and addition of the new Category, this is something we had expected to see.


Let’s talk content

Whilst March saw us publish month-on-month a somewhat smaller number of articles in support of our Air treatment machines. We did introduce 29 bespoke articles. These primarily supported the launch of the Robot category into the community space.

These articles are shared between the Community homepage and Knowledge Base categories. Even if you do not yet own a Robot, please feel free to check these out. The best way to provide feedback on them is by creating a post in our Ask the Community forum.

If you’d like to be kept up to date on when our community team drops new content, simply subscribe to our ‘Content calendar’ article – here.

The top three community led engagement areas during this time were:

  • Ask the Community
  • Air treatment - Machine maintenance
  • Tips and tricks


Let’s talk platform improvement(s)

In the ‘What’s next?’ section on the previous newsletter – ‘Community News and Updates – February 2022, we alluded to being some months away from a full platform refresh. This is where our visitors would see a refreshed homepage, imagery, and a new category.

While at the time we thought this time frame was realistic, we’ve been able to pull this forward and release all but a few of these new additions in March.  


New category introduction – Robot vacuums

In recent months we’ve been hinting at the addition of the new Robot category. Where we’d originally thought that this wouldn’t be implemented until April 22 – May 22, we’re very excited to have brought this forward and deliver both a Community homepage category and Knowledge Base category

The Community homepage focuses on the out of the box experience, through to the very first clean and everything beyond. With featured led sections, highlighted curated content detailing home setup, scheduling, mapping, and zoning, right the way through to controlling and maintaining your machine.

Each subcategory offers a distinct space for our Robot owners to ask both generic and subject specific questions, have these answered, and have the wider community team highlight new and emerging content.

The Knowledge Base is the home of the community’s static help and support content. Here we have an array of text and image rich articles that have been designed to support our owners with everyday support.

Ahead of posting a question on the Community homepage, this is the ideal place for both our first time and existing Robot owners to search for the answers to their question. With three distinct subcategories, including ‘Your machine and the app’, ‘Machine maintenance’, and ‘Common questions’ there shouldn’t be much that isn’t covered.


Refreshed homepage, category, and subcategory imagery

To help us further align with the other Dyson channels, we have introduced an array of illustrated images across the homepage, category, and subcategory pages. These new images appear across both the ‘Getting started’ section and the new ‘Select category’ section on the homepage, along with new Banner images across all the category and subcategory pages.


Host of article updates - reflecting the new category addition

With the addition of the new Robot vacuum category, we have made a host of updates across the following articles: This is where the article has been amended to reflect the new category and/or highlights a specific article where support for that subject resides.

Community homepage:

  1. Community Terms & Conditions
  2. Community Introduction
  3. Read about our community

Knowledge base:

  1. Logged in - Adding a machine for the first time
  2. Viewing the machines settings
  3. Why won't Alexa discover my machine?
  4. Why won't Google Home app discover my machine?


What’s next

What’s next you ask?

Over the next few months, we’ll continue to implement subtle creative changes to the community. For the most part, the majority of this work is already completed, but as we work on bringing the rest of the Dyson portfolio of machines to the Community Space, we’ll be inevitably adding some additional options to the ‘Category selector’, as well as extending the Knowledge Base.  

In addition, we’ll be introducing even more imagery, in the form of updated ‘Banners’ and ‘Links’, along side some bespoke options.


Sneak Peak

In the ‘Read about our Community’ article; which was one of the very first posts we published, we state that the “Community is a space for owners of Air treatment machines who have connected to the Dyson Link app”. While this has since been expanded to include the Robot vacuums, the emphasis remained the same. Owners that have connected through the Dyson Link App.

To support this, the Community was and remains hidden from social search engines. This means that visitors can only view the community through the In-App options or by directly inputting the URL into a browser.

I am happy to share that in the 3rd quarter of this year, we will be working towards enabling the social search options and allowing users to navigate into the community through both the In-App options and browser search results. A very exciting milestone and one that brings us even closer to integrating into the wide Dyson Digital Space.


That’s it. As always, we’ll be posting regular updates in our ‘Content calendar’, letting you know what our most recent additions are. If you have a suggestion for future content or just simply wish to provide feedback, feel free to create a question or conversation. The best place to do this in our Ask the Community forum.

Speak to you all again very soon!

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